Tuesday 26 April 2016

Pond Life Singapore Stamp First Day Cover Set

A pond is an inland body of standing water, either natural or man-made, which is smaller than a lake. It undergoes marked changes as time passes, and the most obvious changes that one will notice is that one form of plant follows or succeeds another, and the different life forms that make the pond a lively and busy place.

There are plenty of opportunities for exciting discoveries ta a pond, and this set of Definitives stamps (1st Local, 2nd Local, 5c, 20c, 30c 45c, 50c, 55c 65c and 80c) with its intricate designs, shows some commonly found life form at a pond.

Date of Issue: 13 April 2011

Country of Issue: Singapore

Type: Pre-Cancelled First Day Cover affixed with Stamps  / Collector Sheet

Set available (Price in SGD):
- FDC with 2 stamps + FDC with 8 stamps + Collector Sheet with 10 unused stamps + Data sheet @ $45
- FDC with 2 stamps + FDC with 8 stamps + Data sheet @ $25
-Collector sheet with 10 unused stamps + Data sheet @ $25

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